In an effort to revitalize communities and keep homeowners in their homes, Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley established a Home Repair Program in 2011. Habitat helps very low and low-income homeowners with repair projects, so they can continue living in safe, decent, and affordable homes for many years to come.
Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley, Inc. works in Gallatin, Park and Eastern Madison Counties to provide repairs dealing with health and safety issues.
Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley, Inc. currently is not accepting applications tied to upcoming repair program at this time. Applications or Partner Family pre-applications are currently added to a waitlist that will be reviewed once the application window opens.
Home Repair Program Qualifications
Qualifying projects include the correction of health and safety hazards, provisions of handicap accessibility or cost-effective energy improvements.
Applicants must meet the following guidelines:
- Applicants must be owner occupants of modest single-family homes. The home may need to be in rural areas (as determined by USDA) if we use outside funding.
- Applicants must own their home and live in Gallatin, Park or Eastern Madison Counties.
- If the home is a mobile home, it must be on a permanent foundation, pillars or blocks.
- Applicants must show a willingness to partner, which includes filling out an application, providing any requested paperwork, attending any required meetings, contributing financially, and completing agreed upon sweat equity hours.
- Currently, Habitat has been able to provide labor for successful applicants, while successful applicants may need to provide their own funding for non-labor related items.
- Applicants must fall within the low or very low-income brackets for their county. HUD's Income levels can be found here. These numbers can vary county to county and are republished every year.
Habitat counts non-wage income from everyone in the household and wages from everyone 18 and older. Habitat counts all sources of income, including alimony/maintenance, child support, food stamps, pension, retirement, SSDI, SSI, survivor’s benefits, TANF, and wages, but does not count student financial aid.
If an applicant meets the financial and geographic criteria, a member of our staff will visit the home and complete an assessment to determine if the requested repairs qualify for the program and are feasible.
Staff of Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley will then determine which applicants have the greatest need for repairs and which projects are possible. It is possible that not every applicant will be selected. Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley currently has the capacity to complete up to 12 projects each year, pending the funding source(s) come through for Habitat for Humanity of Gallatin Valley, Inc.
For further information about the program, please contact our Program Manager at 406-388-8225, extension 103, or